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Arterrafex is a world-building web app that I'm building from scratch. (Well, if you count using all the amazing open source libraries as “from scratch.”) It offers a suite of powerful features that make it easy to create and organize your worlds, characters, and stories in one centralized location

Powerful article editor

Screenshot of the WYSIWYG editor

With the WYSIWYG article editor, you can create detailed and engaging descriptions of your worlds and characters, complete with images and multimedia. The image upload feature allows you to upload and organize all your visual assets. Bring your world to life with character portraits, landscapes, and other graphics.

Early alpha note: It's a stretch to call it powerful right now, but the bones are there and I'll be adding lots to it.

Interactive maps

Screenshot of a map with pins

But Arterrafex isn't just about static descriptions and images. You can create detailed and customizable maps of your worlds, complete with markers, labels, and layers. You can use the map editor to visualize the relationships between different locations and characters, and even plot out your stories.


Arterrafex is also designed to be collaborative, allowing you to work with other creators to build and refine your worlds. The powerful sharing features make it easy to invite others to view and contribute to your work, while the commenting and feedback tools allow for seamless collaboration.

Early alpha note: Okay, none of this is ready yet, but it's on the roadmap!

Let me know what you think!

As a solo developer, I'm constantly looking for feedback to improve Arterrafex and make it the ultimate tool for world-building. My goal is that with Arterrafex, you'll have everything you need to turn your creative ideas into reality.

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Try Arterrafex today and let me know what you think. Your feedback will be crucial in shaping the future of the platform as I continue to evolve and refine it.